This oversized mug, named after one of the greatest Glens in Scotland 'Glencoe', is one of our oldest shapes, yet remains one of our most striking. It has a great presence and our informative and educational patterns have remained the most popular designs on this shape. It has a flared top and a strong, comfortable handle so it feels very solid to hold.
'Zodiacs' are a collection by Jack Dadd of 12 wonderfully designed mugs, coloured and embellished with 22 carat gold describing the sign's astrology, dates and meanings. Aquarius, The Water-Bearer, also describes specific traits which a person born under the Aquarian starsign may exhibit.
Capacity: 0.5L
Height: 152mm
Diameter: 100mm
Jack worked with Gordon Smith to develop the very first Dunoon mug ranges - a working relationship which lasted many years. Jack designed the ever popular Richmond and Glencoe mug shapes. Still in the collection today are Jack's Glencoe 'Zodiac' mugs